FOX – The Elmnas Chronicles – Book Two
In the thrilling second instalment of The Elmnas Chronicles, FOX takes readers on an unforgettable journey through a dystopian world filled with danger, dark secrets, and unexpected allies. Mouse, a resourceful and courageous teenage girl, along with her loyal companion Toma, find themselves in the heart of Elmnas, a deadly labyrinth that threatens their very existence.
After the shocking events of the first book, Mouse and Toma forge ahead into the unknown, uncertain of who they can trust in a world where treachery hides in plain sight. As they navigate the perils of Elmnas, they form unlikely alliances, discovering that the lines between good and evil are not as clear-cut as they seem.
Bound by a mysterious power that grows stronger with every passing day, Mouse and Toma must rely on each other’s strengths and wits to survive the deadly trials of Elmnas. With enemies lurking around every corner and time running out, they must confront their own demons and face the truth about the world they thought they knew.
FOX is a gripping tale of survival, friendship, and self-discovery, weaving together elements of science fiction, dystopia, and fantasy to create a captivating and immersive reading experience. Fans of The Elmnas Chronicles will not want to miss this heart-pounding sequel that leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next instalment.
Note: This is the second book of a series. You may want to read the first book, which is available on Amazon, Google Play, and Kobo.
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