




At Arc Reviewers, you can download and read all our available books. It’s that simple. No hidden fees. Authors need to have book reviews in order to get people to buy their work. You supply those book reviews, either good or bad. It’s up to you, and what you thought of the book when you read it.

You can sign in or register for free! No obligation. Nothing to buy. Nothing to pay. You get to join our list of users who enjoy reading. We will only send you notices of books when they are available or send a reminder to post a review of the book you read.

How it works



An author writes their book. It takes them weeks, months, or years. But no matter how long they write, all is for not unless people actually read it.


Authors and publishers will submit their books to us in order to receive reviews. That’s where all our books come from.


People just like you will download the books to their favorite reader, be it your computer, laptop, e-reader, or phone. 

Like, Love, Hate

You decide what you think of the work. It’s your opinion. Is the book okay, or did you love or hate it?

Book Reviews

Each ebook will contain a link to its Goodreads profile. You log in, pull up the book, and leave your review. It could be as simple as a star rating or as complicated as a written review.

Rinse and Repeat

Your next step is to log back into our site and pick the next book you want to read. Simple and easy. No muss, no fuss, no complications. All you can read.

free ebooks!

That’s right – free. Authors and publishers need your help to bring attention to the books they have. In order to do that, they are willing to give you a free ebook in exchange for a review of the work. It’s that simple. It’s that easy.

This works because you love to read and tell everyone what it is you have read. The only think stopping you from reading everything is the amount of time you can devote to reading.

Stop Paying – Start Reading

That’s right, stop paying for the books you want to read and start reading them. Take a look at what we have to offer and choose between them.

Get your read on today!

Our newsletter is only used for updating members of upcoming changes to our service, advising of new releases, and reminding members to rate the books they read. We do NOT share our member’s email addresses with anyone. Period. We do not send out 3rd party advertisements using our newsletter. Period. That is our promise to you.