Frequently Asked Questions

Registration does not accept my email address

Unfortunately, we do not allow users of “free” or “temporary” email addresses to register.

I didn't get the email verification link

This is an issue that is predominately on the side of your email provider. There are a few steps you can take, but your ISP will determine if they allow us to send you an email.

  1. Ask your ISP to whitelist our domain,
  2. Avoid using free email services like Google or Yahoo
  3. Ask your ISP to not block our domain,

These steps will help you receive the email.

Keep in mind, our system delivers most emails successfully. Check your JUNK or SPAM folder, which is usually the main issue. You can also whitelist our domain,, in most email programs.

How do I download the books?

At the end of our checkout process, the site will supply you with a link to download the ePub of the book. You will be allowed to download it once, and the link is only valid for a day, so make sure you download it immediately. If you have any issues, please contact us through our Support link.